doc | |
▼ lib_blewbxx_impl | |
doc | |
► include | |
ledger_ble.h | |
► src | |
ledger_ble.c | |
▼ lib_cxng | |
doc | |
► include | |
lcx_aead.h | Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) |
lcx_aes.h | AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) |
lcx_aes_gcm.h | AES in Galois/Counter Mode (AES-GCM) |
lcx_aes_siv.h | Advanced Encryption Standard with Synthetic Initialization Vector (AES-SIV) |
lcx_blake2.h | BLAKE2 crypographic hash function |
lcx_blake3.h | BLAKE3 hash function |
lcx_chacha.h | Chacha cipher |
lcx_chacha_poly.h | CHACHA20_POLY1305 Authenticated Encryption with Additional Data (AEAD) |
lcx_cipher.h | API for block ciphers |
lcx_cmac.h | CMAC (Cipher-based Message Authentication Code) |
lcx_common.h | Cryptography flags |
lcx_crc.h | CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) |
lcx_ecdh.h | ECDH (Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman) key exchange |
lcx_ecdsa.h | ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) |
lcx_ecfp.h | Key pair generation based on elliptic curves |
lcx_ecschnorr.h | ECSDSA (Elliptic Curve-based Schnorr Digital Signature Algorithm) |
lcx_eddsa.h | EDDSA (Edwards Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) |
lcx_groestl.h | GROESTL hash function |
lcx_hash.h | Hash functions |
lcx_hmac.h | HMAC (Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code) |
lcx_math.h | Basic arithmetic |
lcx_pbkdf2.h | PBKDF2 (Password-Based Key Derivation Function) |
lcx_poly1305.h | POLY1305 Message Authentication Code |
lcx_ripemd160.h | RIPEMD-160 hash function |
lcx_rng.h | Random Number Generation |
lcx_rsa.h | RSA algorithm |
lcx_sha256.h | SHA-2 (Secure Hash Algorithm 2) |
lcx_sha3.h | SHA-3 (Secure Hash Algorithm 3) |
lcx_sha512.h | SHA-2 (Secure Hash Algorithm 2) |
lcx_wrappers.h | |
libcxng.h | Include cryptography files |
► src | |
cx_aead.c | |
cx_aes.c | |
cx_aes_gcm.c | |
cx_aes_gcm.h | |
cx_aes_siv.c | |
cx_blake2.h | |
cx_blake2b.c | |
cx_blake2b.h | |
cx_blake3.c | |
cx_blake3.h | |
cx_blake3_ref.c | |
cx_blake3_ref.h | |
cx_chacha.c | |
cx_chacha_poly.c | |
cx_chacha_poly.h | |
cx_cipher.c | |
cx_cipher.h | |
cx_cmac.c | |
cx_cmac.h | |
cx_crc.h | |
cx_crc16.c | |
cx_crc32.c | |
cx_ecdh.c | |
cx_ecdsa.c | |
cx_ecdsa.h | |
cx_ecfp.c | |
cx_ecfp.h | |
cx_ecschnorr.c | |
cx_eddsa.c | |
cx_eddsa.h | |
cx_Groestl-ref.c | |
cx_Groestl-ref.h | |
cx_groestl.h | |
cx_hash.c | |
cx_hash.h | |
cx_hkdf.c | |
cx_hkdf.h | |
cx_hmac.c | |
cx_hmac.h | |
cx_math.c | |
cx_math.h | |
cx_pbkdf2.c | |
cx_pbkdf2.h | |
cx_pkcs1.c | |
cx_poly1305.c | |
cx_poly1305.h | |
cx_ram.c | |
cx_ram.h | |
cx_ripemd160.c | |
cx_ripemd160.h | |
cx_rng.c | |
cx_rng.h | |
cx_rng_rfc6979.c | |
cx_rng_rfc6979.h | |
cx_rsa.c | |
cx_rsa.h | |
cx_selftests.c | |
cx_selftests.h | |
cx_sha256.c | |
cx_sha256.h | |
cx_sha3.c | |
cx_sha3.h | |
cx_sha512.c | |
cx_sha512.h | |
cx_utils.c | |
cx_utils.h | |
▼ lib_nbgl | |
doc | |
► include | |
nbgl_buttons.h | |
nbgl_content.h | Common content for Graphical Library |
nbgl_debug.h | Debug traces management |
nbgl_draw.h | Middle Level API of the new BOLOS Graphical Library |
nbgl_flow.h | Flow construction API of NBGL |
nbgl_fonts.h | |
nbgl_front.h | Font screen low-Level driver API, to draw elementary forms |
nbgl_image_utils.h | Utilities for Ledger image files processing |
nbgl_layout.h | API of the Advanced BOLOS Graphical Library, for predefined layouts |
nbgl_obj.h | API to draw all basic graphic objects |
nbgl_page.h | API of the Advanced BOLOS Graphical Library, for predefined pages |
nbgl_screen.h | API to manage screens |
nbgl_serialize.h | |
nbgl_side.h | Side screen low-Level driver API, to draw elementary forms |
nbgl_step.h | Step construction API of NBGL |
nbgl_touch.h | |
nbgl_types.h | Common types for Graphical Library |
nbgl_use_case.h | API of the Advanced BOLOS Graphical Library, for typical application use-cases |
► src | |
nbgl_buttons.c | |
nbgl_draw.c | Implementation of middle-level API to draw rich forms like rounded rectangle |
nbgl_flow.c | Implementation of flow management |
nbgl_fonts.c | |
nbgl_layout.c | Implementation of predefined layouts management for Applications |
nbgl_layout_internal.h | Internal functions/constants of NBGL layout layer |
nbgl_layout_internal_nanos.h | Internal functions/constants of NBGL layout layer |
nbgl_layout_keyboard.c | Implementation of predefined keyboard related layouts management |
nbgl_layout_keyboard_nanos.c | Implementation of predefined layouts management for Nano target, for Keyboard |
nbgl_layout_keypad.c | Implementation of keypad management of predefined layouts management for Applications |
nbgl_layout_keypad_nanos.c | |
nbgl_layout_nanos.c | |
nbgl_layout_navigation.c | The construction of a navigation bar with buttons super-object |
nbgl_obj.c | Implementation of API to draw all basic graphic objects |
nbgl_obj_keyboard.c | The construction and touch management of a keyboard object |
nbgl_obj_keyboard_nanos.c | The construction and touch management of a keyboard object for Nanos |
nbgl_obj_keypad.c | The construction and touch management of a keypad object |
nbgl_obj_keypad_nanos.c | The construction and key management of a keypad object for nanos |
nbgl_obj_pool.c | Implementation of a graphical objects pool, to be used by any page, or by predefined layout management |
nbgl_page.c | Implementation of predefined pages management for Applications |
nbgl_screen.c | Implementation of screens management API |
nbgl_serialize.c | |
nbgl_step.c | Implementation of predefined pages management for Applications |
nbgl_touch.c | |
nbgl_use_case.c | Implementation of typical pages (or sets of pages) for Applications |
nbgl_use_case_nanos.c | Implementation of typical pages (or sets of pages) for Applications, for Nanos (X, SP) |
▼ lib_nfc | |
doc | |
► include | |
nfc_ndef.h | |
► src | |
nfc_ndef.c | |
▼ lib_standard_app | |
doc | |
app_storage.c | |
base58.c | |
base58.h | |
bip32.c | |
bip32.h | |
buffer.c | |
buffer.h | |
crypto_helpers.c | |
crypto_helpers.h | |
format.c | |
format.h | |
io.c | |
io.h | |
macros.h | |
main.c | |
offsets.h | |
parser.c | |
parser.h | |
read.c | |
read.h | |
swap.h | |
swap_entrypoints.h | |
swap_error_code_helpers.c | |
swap_error_code_helpers.h | |
swap_lib_calls.h | |
swap_utils.c | |
swap_utils.h | |
varint.c | |
varint.h | |
write.c | |
write.h | |
▼ lib_stusb | |
doc | |
usbd_conf.c | : This file implements the board support package for the USB device library |
usbd_conf.h | : Header for usbd_conf file |
▼ lib_stusb_impl | |
doc | |
u2f_impl.c | |
u2f_impl.h | |
u2f_io.c | |
usbd_ccid_impl.h | |
usbd_hid_impl.h | |
usbd_impl.c | This file provides the HID core functions |
▼ lib_u2f | |
doc | |
► include | |
u2f_io.h | |
u2f_processing.h | |
u2f_service.h | |
u2f_timer.h | |
u2f_transport.h | |
► src | |
u2f_transport.c | |
▼ lib_ux | |
doc | |
► include | |
ux_bagl.h | |
ux_flow_engine.h | |
ux_layout_paging_compute.h | |
ux_layouts.h | |
ux_loc_bagl.h | |
ux_loc_flow_engine.h | |
ux_loc_layouts.h | |
► src | |
ux_flow_engine.c | |
ux_layout_bb.c | |
ux_layout_bn.c | |
ux_layout_bnn.c | |
ux_layout_bnnn.c | |
ux_layout_common.h | |
ux_layout_nn.c | |
ux_layout_nnbnn.c | |
ux_layout_nnn.c | |
ux_layout_nnnn.c | |
ux_layout_pages.c | |
ux_layout_paging.c | |
ux_layout_paging_compute.c | |
ux_layout_pb.c | |
ux_layout_pbb.c | |
ux_layout_pbn.c | |
ux_layout_pn.c | |
ux_layout_pnn.c | |
ux_layout_utils.c | |
ux_legacy.c | |
ux_menulist.c | |
ux_stack.c | |
▼ lib_ux_nbgl | |
doc | |
ux.c | |
ux_loc_nbgl.h | |
ux_nbgl.h | |