27#define LAYOUT_OBJ_POOL_LEN 10
API of the Advanced BOLOS Graphical Library, for predefined layouts.
void(* nbgl_layoutButtonCallback_t)(nbgl_layout_t *layout, nbgl_buttonEvent_t event)
prototype of function to be called when buttons are touched on a screen
void layoutAddObject(nbgl_layoutInternal_t *layout, nbgl_obj_t *obj)
adds the given obj to the main container
struct nbgl_layoutInternal_s nbgl_layoutInternal_t
Structure containing all information about the current layout.
struct PACKED__ nbgl_obj_s nbgl_obj_t
Common structure for all graphical objects.
Structure containing all information about the current layout.
nbgl_layoutButtonCallback_t callback
bool modal
if true, means the screen is a modal
uint8_t nbChildren
number of children in above array
nbgl_obj_t ** children
children for main screen