common content for Graphical Library
The different types of predefined contents.
API of the Advanced BOLOS Graphical Library, for predefined layouts.
void(* nbgl_layoutTouchCallback_t)(int token, uint8_t index)
prototype of function to be called when an object is touched
The different styles for a button.
API to draw all basic graphic objects.
struct nbgl_pageNavWithButtons_s nbgl_pageNavWithButtons_t
Structure containing all information to create a navigation with buttons in bottom nav bar.
struct nbgl_pageInfoDescription_s nbgl_pageInfoDescription_t
Structure containing all specific information when creating an information page.
nbgl_page_t * nbgl_pageDrawGenericContent(nbgl_layoutTouchCallback_t onActionCallback, const nbgl_pageNavigationInfo_t *nav, nbgl_pageContent_t *content)
draw a generic content page, with the given content, and if nav parameter is not NULL,...
nbgl_page_t * nbgl_pageDrawInfo(nbgl_layoutTouchCallback_t onActionCallback, const nbgl_screenTickerConfiguration_t *ticker, const nbgl_pageInfoDescription_t *info)
draw a page with a centered info (icon and/or texts) with a touchable footer, in a potential "tapable...
void * nbgl_page_t
type shared externally
nbgl_contentInfoLongPress_t nbgl_pageInfoLongPress_t
Deprecated, kept for retro compatibility.
struct nbgl_pageNavWithTap_s nbgl_pageNavWithTap_t
Structure containing all information to create a navigation with "tap".
struct nbgl_pageContent_s nbgl_pageContent_t
This structure contains data to build a page in multi-pages mode (nbgl_pageDrawGenericContent)
The different types of navigation in a multi-screens page.
move forward and backward with buttons in bottom nav bar
move forward with "tap" and possibly backward with top left arrow
struct nbgl_pageMultiScreensDescription_s nbgl_pageNavigationInfo_t
Structure containing all specific information when creating a multi-screens page.
nbgl_page_t * nbgl_pageDrawLedgerInfo(nbgl_layoutTouchCallback_t onActionCallback, const nbgl_screenTickerConfiguration_t *ticker, const char *text, int tapActionToken)
draw a page with a centered text in large case, with a round check icon
nbgl_page_t * nbgl_pageDrawConfirmation(nbgl_layoutTouchCallback_t onActionCallback, const nbgl_pageConfirmationDescription_t *info)
draw a confirmation page, with a centered info (icon and/or text), a button to confirm and a footer t...
struct nbgl_pageConfirmationDescription_s nbgl_pageConfirmationDescription_t
Structure containing all specific information when creating a confirmation page.
int nbgl_pageRelease(nbgl_page_t *)
Release the page obtained with any of the nbgl_pageDrawXXX() functions.
nbgl_page_t * nbgl_pageDrawSpinner(const char *text, uint8_t initPosition)
draw a spinner page with the given parameters. The spinner will "rotate" automatically every 800 ms
nbgl_page_t * nbgl_pageDrawGenericContentExt(nbgl_layoutTouchCallback_t onActionCallback, const nbgl_pageNavigationInfo_t *nav, nbgl_pageContent_t *content, bool modal)
draw a generic content page, with the given content, and if nav parameter is not NULL,...
struct nbgl_pageAddressConfirmationDescription_s nbgl_pageAddressConfirmationDescription_t
Structure containing all specific information when creating a address confirmation page....
The different types of top-right / bottom button.
A full width button with "Quit app" text (only for bottom button)
info (i) icon in the button.
quit (X) icon in the button.
no button.
settings (wheel) icon in the button.
struct PACKED__ nbgl_screenTickerConfiguration_s nbgl_screenTickerConfiguration_t
struct to configure a screen layer
common types for Graphical Library
struct PACKED__ nbgl_icon_details_s nbgl_icon_details_t
Represents all information about an icon.
This structure contains data to build a BARS_LIST content.
This structure contains info to build a centered (vertically and horizontally) area,...
This structure contains data to build a EXTENDED_CENTER content.
This structure contains data to build a centered info + simple black button content.
This structure contains data to build a INFOS_LIST content.
This structure contains data to build a centered info + long press button content.
This structure contains a list of names to build a list of radio buttons (on the right part of screen...
This structure contains [item,value] pair(s) and info about a potential "details" button,...
This structure contains a [item,value] pair and info about "details" button.
This structure contains a list of [tag,value] pairs.
Structure containing all specific information when creating a address confirmation page....
const char * confirmationText
text of the confirmation button, if NULL "It matches" is used
tune_index_e tuneId
if not NBGL_NO_TUNE, a tune will be played when button is pressed
uint8_t confirmationToken
the token used as argument of the onActionCallback
const char * qrCodeButtonText
text to display in "QR code button", if NULL "Show as QR is used"
const char * address
address to confirm
const char * cancelText
the text used for cancel action, if NULL "It doesn't matches" is used
Structure containing all specific information when creating a confirmation page.
const char * cancelText
the text used for cancel action, if NULL a simple X button is used
uint8_t confirmationToken
the token used as argument of the onActionCallback
bool modal
if true, page is open as a modal
const char * confirmationText
text of the confirmation button
nbgl_layoutCenteredInfo_t centeredInfo
description of the centered info to be used
tune_index_e tuneId
if not NBGL_NO_TUNE, a tune will be played when button is pressed
This structure contains data to build a page in multi-pages mode (nbgl_pageDrawGenericContent)
nbgl_contentTagValueDetails_t tagValueDetails
const char * title
text for the title of the page (if NULL, no title)
uint8_t topRightToken
token used when top-right button (if not NULL) is touched
nbgl_contentInfoLongPress_t infoLongPress
nbgl_contentRadioChoice_t choicesList
nbgl_contentSwitchesList_t switchesList
tune_index_e tuneId
if not NBGL_NO_TUNE, a tune will be played when title is touched
nbgl_contentBarsList_t barsList
nbgl_contentInfoButton_t infoButton
nbgl_contentInfoList_t infosList
nbgl_contentTagValueList_t tagValueList
const nbgl_icon_details_t * topRightIcon
nbgl_contentType_t type
type of page content in the following union
nbgl_contentCenteredInfo_t centeredInfo
nbgl_contentTagValueConfirm_t tagValueConfirm
bool isTouchableTitle
if set to true, the title is preceded by <- arrow to go back
nbgl_contentExtendedCenter_t extendedCenter
Structure containing all specific information when creating an information page.
nbgl_layoutButtonStyle_t actionButtonStyle
style of "action" button
const char * actionButtonText
if not NULL an "action" button is set under the centered info
const char * tapActionText
uint8_t bottomButtonsToken
const char * footerText
if not NULL, add a touchable footer
nbgl_pageButtonStyle_t topRightStyle
style to apply to the Top-Right button
uint8_t topRightToken
the token that will be used as argument of the onActionCallback
bool isSwipeable
if true, main area is swipeable
tune_index_e tuneId
if not NBGL_NO_TUNE, a tune will be played when button/footer is pressed
uint8_t footerToken
the token that will be used as argument of the onActionCallback
const nbgl_icon_details_t * actionButtonIcon
potential icon of "action" button
nbgl_pageButtonStyle_t bottomButtonStyle
style to apply to the Bottom button
nbgl_layoutCenteredInfo_t centeredInfo
description of the centered info to be used
Structure containing all specific information when creating a multi-screens page.
uint8_t nbPages
the number of pages to display (if <2, no navigation bar)
uint8_t quitToken
the token used as argument of the actionCallback when the footer is touched
uint8_t skipToken
if skipText is NULL the token used when right part of footer is touched
nbgl_pageNavigationType_t navType
uint8_t activePage
the index of the page to display at start-up
bool progressIndicator
if set to true, display a progress indicator on top of the page
nbgl_pageNavWithButtons_t navWithButtons
structure used when navigation with buttons
nbgl_pageNavWithTap_t navWithTap
structure used when navigation with "tap"
tune_index_e tuneId
if not NBGL_NO_TUNE, a tune will be played when next or back is pressed
Structure containing all information to create a navigation with buttons in bottom nav bar.
bool visiblePageIndicator
if set to true, the page indicator will be visible in navigation
bool quitButton
if set to true, a quit button (X) is displayed in the nav bar
const char * quitText
the text displayed in footer (on the left), used to quit (only on Flex)
bool backButton
if set to true, a back button (<-) is displayed in the nav bar
Structure containing all information to create a navigation with "tap".
const char * quitText
the text displayed in footer, used to quit
const char * nextPageText
This structure contains data to build a SWITCHES_LIST content.