30#define GET_POS_OF_STEP(_step, _nb_steps) \
33 : ((_step == 0) ? FIRST_STEP \
34 : ((_step == (_nb_steps - 1)) ? LAST_STEP : NEITHER_FIRST_NOR_LAST_STEP))
71#define FORWARD_DIRECTION 0x00
possible styles for Centered Info Area
API of the Advanced BOLOS Graphical Library, for predefined layouts.
API to draw all basic graphic objects.
struct PACKED__ nbgl_screenTickerConfiguration_s nbgl_screenTickerConfiguration_t
struct to configure a screen layer
void(* nbgl_stepButtonCallback_t)(nbgl_step_t stepCtx, nbgl_buttonEvent_t event)
prototype of function to be called when buttons are touched on a screen
uint8_t nbgl_stepGetMenuListCurrent(nbgl_step_t step)
void * nbgl_step_t
type shared externally
uint8_t nbgl_stepPosition_t
this type contains nbgl_layoutNavIndication_t in its LSBs and direction in its MSB (using FORWARD_DIR...
neither first nor last in a multiple steps flow
single step flow
last in a multiple steps flow
first in a multiple steps flow
nbgl_step_t nbgl_stepDrawMenuList(nbgl_stepMenuListCallback_t onActionCallback, nbgl_screenTickerConfiguration_t *ticker, nbgl_layoutMenuList_t *list, bool modal)
int nbgl_stepRelease(nbgl_step_t step)
void(* nbgl_stepMenuListCallback_t)(uint8_t choiceIndex)
prototype of chosen menu list item callback
nbgl_step_t nbgl_stepDrawText(nbgl_stepPosition_t pos, nbgl_stepButtonCallback_t onActionCallback, nbgl_screenTickerConfiguration_t *ticker, const char *text, const char *subText, nbgl_contentCenteredInfoStyle_t style, bool modal)
nbgl_step_t nbgl_stepDrawCenteredInfo(nbgl_stepPosition_t pos, nbgl_stepButtonCallback_t onActionCallback, nbgl_screenTickerConfiguration_t *ticker, nbgl_layoutCenteredInfo_t *info, bool modal)
common types for Graphical Library
This structure contains info to build a centered (vertically and horizontally) area,...