Embedded SDK
Embedded SDK
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 Ccx_iovec_tSimilar to libc iovec type
 Cnbgl_animation_sRepresents all information about an animation (succession of icons)
 Cnbgl_area_sRepresents a rectangle area of the screen
 Cnbgl_button_sStruct to represent a button (BUTTON type) that can contain a text and/or an icon
 Cnbgl_container_sStruct to represent a container (CONTAINER type)
 Cnbgl_content_tThis structure contains data to build a content
 Cnbgl_content_uUnion of the different type of contents
 Cnbgl_contentBarsList_tThis structure contains data to build a BARS_LIST content
 Cnbgl_contentCenter_tThis structure contains info to build a centered (vertically and horizontally) area, with many fields (if NULL, not used):
 Cnbgl_contentCenteredInfo_tThis structure contains info to build a centered (vertically and horizontally) area, with a possible Icon, a possible text under it, and a possible sub-text gray under it
 Cnbgl_contentExtendedCenter_tThis structure contains data to build a EXTENDED_CENTER content
 Cnbgl_contentInfoButton_tThis structure contains data to build a centered info + simple black button content
 Cnbgl_contentInfoList_sThis structure contains data to build a INFOS_LIST content
 Cnbgl_contentInfoLongPress_tThis structure contains data to build a centered info + long press button content
 Cnbgl_contentRadioChoice_tThis structure contains a list of names to build a list of radio buttons (on the right part of screen), with for each a description (names array) The chosen item index is provided is the "index" argument of the callback
 Cnbgl_contentSwitch_tThis structure contains info to build a switch (on the right) with a description (on the left), with a potential sub-description (in gray)
 Cnbgl_contentTagValue_tThis structure contains a [tag,value] pair
 Cnbgl_contentTagValueConfirm_tThis structure contains [item,value] pair(s) and info about a potential "details" button, but also a black button + footer to confirm/cancel
 Cnbgl_contentTagValueDetails_tThis structure contains a [item,value] pair and info about "details" button
 Cnbgl_contentTagValueList_tThis structure contains a list of [tag,value] pairs
 Cnbgl_contentTipBox_tThis structure contains data to build a tip-box, on top of a footer, on bottom of a content center
 Cnbgl_contentValueExt_tThis structure contains additions to a tag/value pair, to be able to build a screen to display these additions (for alias)
 Cnbgl_font_character_tFonts nicknames to be used for various wallet size targets (non-Nano)
 Cnbgl_font_tStructure defining an ASCII font
 Cnbgl_font_unicode_character_tStructure defining a unicode character (except the bitmap)
 Cnbgl_font_unicode_tStructure defining a unicode font
 Cnbgl_homeAction_tStructure describing the action button in Home Screen
 Cnbgl_icon_details_sRepresents all information about an icon
 Cnbgl_image_file_sStruct to represent an image file object (IMAGE_FILE type) The source of the data is an image file with header. width and height are given in this header
 Cnbgl_image_sStruct to represent an image (IMAGE type)
 Cnbgl_keyboard_sStruct to represent a keyboard (KEYBOARD type)
 Cnbgl_keypad_sStruct to represent a keypad (KEYPAD type)
 Cnbgl_layoutBar_tThis structure contains info to build a clickable "bar" with a text and an icon
 Cnbgl_layoutButton_tThis structure contains info to build a single button
 Cnbgl_layoutChoiceButtons_tThis structure contains info to build a pair of buttons, one on top of the other
 Cnbgl_layoutConfirmationButton_tThis structure contains info to build a confirmation button
 Cnbgl_layoutDescription_sStructure containing all information when creating a layout. This structure must be passed as argument to nbgl_layoutGet
 Cnbgl_layoutFooter_tThis structure contains info to build an extended footer
 Cnbgl_layoutHeader_tThis structure contains info to build a header
 Cnbgl_layoutHorizontalButtons_tThis structure contains info to build a pair of buttons, the small one, with icon, on the left of the other
 Cnbgl_layoutInternal_sStructure containing all information about the current layout
 Cnbgl_layoutKbd_tThis structure contains info to build a keyboard with nbgl_layoutAddKeyboard()
 Cnbgl_layoutKeyboardContent_tThis structure contains info to build a keyboard content (controls that are linked to keyboard)
 Cnbgl_layoutLeftContent_tThis structure contains info to build a left content area
 Cnbgl_layoutMenuList_tThis structure contains a list of names to build a menu list on Nanos, with for each item a description (names array)
 Cnbgl_layoutNavigation_tThis structure contains info to build a navigation bar at the bottom of the screen
 Cnbgl_layoutNavigationBar_tThis structure contains info to build a navigation bar at the bottom of the screen
 Cnbgl_layoutProgressBar_tThis structure contains info to build a progress bar with info. The progress bar itself is 120px width * 12px height
 Cnbgl_layoutQRCode_tThis structure contains info to build a centered (vertically and horizontally) area, with a QR Code, a possible text (black, bold) under it, and a possible sub-text (black, regular) under it
 Cnbgl_layoutSuggestionButtons_tThis structure contains info to build suggestion buttons
 Cnbgl_layoutUpFooter_tThis structure contains info to build an up-footer (area on top of footer)
 Cnbgl_line_sStruct to represent a vertical or horizontal line
 Cnbgl_navigation_bar_sStruct to represent a navigation bar (PAGE_INDICATOR type) There can be up to 5 page indicators, whose shape is fixed. If there are more than 5 pages, the middle indicator will be "..."
 Cnbgl_obj_sCommon structure for all graphical objects
 Cnbgl_pageAddressConfirmationDescription_sStructure containing all specific information when creating a address confirmation page. This page contains the address in a tag/value format, and a white button to dipsplay the same address as a QRCode in a modal window. At the bottom 2 buttons allow to confirm or invalidate the address
 Cnbgl_pageConfirmationDescription_sStructure containing all specific information when creating a confirmation page
 Cnbgl_pageContent_sThis structure contains data to build a page in multi-pages mode (nbgl_pageDrawGenericContent)
 Cnbgl_pageInfoDescription_sStructure containing all specific information when creating an information page
 Cnbgl_pageMultiScreensDescription_sStructure containing all specific information when creating a multi-screens page
 Cnbgl_pageNavWithButtons_sStructure containing all information to create a navigation with buttons in bottom nav bar
 Cnbgl_pageNavWithTap_sStructure containing all information to create a navigation with "tap"
 Cnbgl_pageSwitchesList_sThis structure contains data to build a SWITCHES_LIST content
 Cnbgl_progress_bar_sStruct to represent a progress bar (PROGRESS_BAR type)
 Cnbgl_qrcode_sStruct to represent a QR code (QR_CODE type), whose size is fixed
 Cnbgl_radio_sStruct to represent a radio button (RADIO_BUTTON type)
 Cnbgl_screen_sStruct to represent a screen (SCREEN type)
 Cnbgl_screenTickerConfiguration_sStruct to configure a screen layer
 Cnbgl_spinner_sStruct to represent a "spinner", represented by the Ledger corners, in gray, with one of the corners in black (SPINNER type)
 Cnbgl_stepDesc_sStructure containing all specific information when creating a NBGL step
 Cnbgl_switch_sStruct to represent a switch (size is fixed) (SWITCH type)
 Cnbgl_text_area_sStruct to represent a text area (TEXT_AREA type)
 Cnbgl_text_entry_sStruct to represent a text entry area (TEXT_ENTRY type)
 Cnbgl_tipBox_tThe necessary parameters to build a tip-box in first review page and the modal if this tip box is touched
 Cnbgl_touchStatePosition_tThe low level Touchscreen event, coming from driver
 Cnbgl_warning_tThe necessary parameters to build a warning page preceding a review. One can either use predefinedSet when the warnings are already supported in nbgl_warningType_t list, or use introDetails or reviewDetails to configure manually the warning pages
 Cnbgl_warningBarList_tThe necessary parameters to build a list of touchable bars, to display sub-pages
 Cnbgl_warningDetails_sThe necessary parameters to build the page(s) displayed when the top-right button is touched in intro page (before review)
 Cuint64_s64-bit types, native or by-hands, depending on target and/or compiler support