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nbgl_text_area_s Struct Reference

struct to represent a text area (TEXT_AREA type) More...

#include <nbgl_obj.h>

Collaboration diagram for nbgl_text_area_s:
Collaboration graph

Public Attributes

nbgl_obj_t obj
 common part
color_t textColor
 color set to '1' bits in text. '0' are set to backgroundColor color.
nbgl_aligment_t textAlignment
 alignment of text within the area
nbgl_style_t style
 to define the style of border
nbgl_font_id_e fontId
 id of the font to use
bool autoHideLongLine
bool wrapping
 if set to true, break lines on ' ' when possible
uint8_t nbMaxLines
const char * text
 ASCII text to draw (NULL terminated). Can be NULL.
uint16_t len
 number of bytes to write (if 0, max number of chars or strlen is used)
onTextDrawCallback_t onDrawCallback
 function called if not NULL to get the text of the text area
uint8_t token
 token to use as param of onDrawCallback

Detailed Description

struct to represent a text area (TEXT_AREA type)

Definition at line 436 of file nbgl_obj.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ autoHideLongLine

bool nbgl_text_area_s::autoHideLongLine

if set to true, replace beginning of line by ... to keep it single line

Definition at line 442 of file nbgl_obj.h.

◆ fontId

nbgl_font_id_e nbgl_text_area_s::fontId

id of the font to use

Definition at line 441 of file nbgl_obj.h.

◆ len

uint16_t nbgl_text_area_s::len

number of bytes to write (if 0, max number of chars or strlen is used)

Definition at line 448 of file nbgl_obj.h.

◆ nbMaxLines

uint8_t nbgl_text_area_s::nbMaxLines

if >0, replace end (3 last chars) of line (nbMaxLines-1) by "..." and stop display here

Definition at line 445 of file nbgl_obj.h.

◆ obj

nbgl_obj_t nbgl_text_area_s::obj

common part

Definition at line 437 of file nbgl_obj.h.

◆ onDrawCallback

onTextDrawCallback_t nbgl_text_area_s::onDrawCallback

function called if not NULL to get the text of the text area

Definition at line 450 of file nbgl_obj.h.

◆ style

nbgl_style_t nbgl_text_area_s::style

to define the style of border

Definition at line 440 of file nbgl_obj.h.

◆ text

const char* nbgl_text_area_s::text

ASCII text to draw (NULL terminated). Can be NULL.

Definition at line 447 of file nbgl_obj.h.

◆ textAlignment

nbgl_aligment_t nbgl_text_area_s::textAlignment

alignment of text within the area

Definition at line 439 of file nbgl_obj.h.

◆ textColor

color_t nbgl_text_area_s::textColor

color set to '1' bits in text. '0' are set to backgroundColor color.

Definition at line 438 of file nbgl_obj.h.

◆ token

uint8_t nbgl_text_area_s::token

token to use as param of onDrawCallback

Definition at line 451 of file nbgl_obj.h.

◆ wrapping

bool nbgl_text_area_s::wrapping

if set to true, break lines on ' ' when possible

Definition at line 444 of file nbgl_obj.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: