Using and understanding the basis of Ragger testing capabilities

Ragger is mostly used as a testing framework for Ledger application. To ease the integration in such scenario, it includes pre-defined pytest fixtures and pre-made configuration. This section shows how to use them.


On top of fixtures, options and other helpers brought by Ragger, the tests written following this page guidance inherit every pytest base mechanisms, CLI arguments and so on. Refer to its documentation for further information.

Fast testing: using the embedded ragger.conftest module

Before creating any file, let’s first create a directory dedicated to the tests.

$ mkdir -p tests

Ragger package contains a ragger.conftest module, including:

  • a module, defining pytest fixtures and CLI arguments,

  • a module, allowing to parametrize the previous fixtures.

As implied, Ragger relies on pytest to implement its testing capabilities. Using these Ragger features hence requires a pytest setup.

In particular, pytest will fetch its configuration from a file, so in this case one needs to create such a file, and import Ragger capabilities in it. A minimal file would be:

1# This line includes the default `Ragger` configuration.
2# It can be modified to suit local needs
3from ragger.conftest import configuration
5# This line will be interpreted by `pytest` which will load the code from the
6# given modules, in this case `ragger.conftest.base_conftest`.
7# This module will define several fixtures, parametrized will the fields of
8# `configuration.OPTIONAL` variable.
9pytest_plugins = ("ragger.conftest.base_conftest", )

Now let’s write a very basic test which does not do much, but will at least allow to use our newly generated fixtures:

1# define the CLA of your application here
2CLA = 0xB0
3# define an instruction of your application here
4INS = 0x01
6def test_communicate(backend):
7    print(, ins=INS))

This test will use the backend fixture in order to run the application into Speculos. For that, we need to access the application ELF file, which is expected to be stored in a specific path. This path is in fact exactly where the default Ledger compilation environment generates the ELF files, which is <git root directory>/build/<device name>/bin/app.elf.

Let’s say we are going to run the test on nanos only. The file system should at least be like:

$ tree .
├── build
│   └── nanos
│       └── bin
│           └── app.elf
└── tests

And now to run the tests:

$ pytest --device nanos tests/ -v
========================================= test session starts ===========================================
collected 1 item

tests/[nanos 2.1] PASSED                                            [100%]

=========================================== 1 passed in 0.80s ===========================================

What happened?

This very simple setup actually triggered some interesting events:

  • pytest automatically loaded the ragger.conftest.base_conftest module, and generated several fixtures to be used in following tests.

  • one of these fixtures, backend is configured with several parameters. We did not specified it in the command line, but its type here is SpeculosBackend (the default type).

    This backend exchanges with an application running into the Speculos emulator. For the fixture to automatically start this emulator, it needs to know what device it should emulates. That is where comes the --device nanos parameter.

    The fixture also needs to access the application ELF. That’s why we have we stored it in build/nanos/bin/app.elf.

    So when the backend fixture is created, it knows it needs to start a NanoS simulator in which the app.elf application file will be loaded.

  • pytest finally discovers and runs the test_communicate test.

    The test receives the backend fixture, and uses it to exchange with the application running into the emulator. By default, the backend is configured to raise if the application replies with an error. In our case, the test passed, so the emulated application responded with a success status.

A step forward: navigating into Nano applications

Now let’s imagine we would like to test something with a bit of UI, for instance going to the settings and coming back.

The scenario could be something like:

  • the application start and displays a message (image 00000.png),

  • a click on the right button brings the user to a screen with “settings” (image 00001.png),

  • by clicking both buttons, the user enters the settings menu which displays some information (image 00002.png),

  • by clicking the right button again, the screen now displays a cross - a way to go back to the home screen (image 00003.png),

  • by clicking both buttons, the user goes back to the home screen (image 00004.png)

Although this scenario is very simple, we want to test it. How can it be done with Ragger?

That’s where the navigator fixture comes into play.

Basic navigation example

All the interactions described before can be implemented with this code:

 1from ragger.navigator import NavInsID
 3def test_settings(navigator):
 4    instructions = [
 5        NavInsID.RIGHT_CLICK,
 6        NavInsID.BOTH_CLICK,
 7        NavInsID.RIGHT_CLICK,
 8        NavInsID.BOTH_CLICK
 9    ]
10    navigator.navigate(instructions)

If you run this code with the --display CLI argument, you will see the application UI being controlled by the test.

$ pytest --device nanos --display tests/ -v
======================================== test session starts ==========================================
collected 1 item

tests/[nanos 2.1] PASSED                                             [100%]

========================================== 1 passed in 0.80s ==========================================

More information on the navigator mechanism can be found in the rationale chapter.

Comparing snapshots

Writing the test

However nothing is tested yet. In order for the test to actually check that the crossed screens are the expected ones, we need:

  • to provide these expected snapshots (the golden snapshots)

  • to use the method navigator.navigate_and_compare.

    This method requires 3 mandatory arguments:

    • the path where the directory containing all the snapshot sets is located,

    • the test_case_name, name of the snapshots test directory

    • the instruction list (just like with navigator.navigate

One nice thing with this method and Ragger conftest module is that these snapshots can be automatically generated.

First, we have to modify our test file to use this method:

 1from pathlib import Path
 2from ragger.navigator import NavInsID
 4# this will point to the `tests/` directory
 5TEST_DIRECTORY = Path(__file__).resolve().parent
 7def test_settings(navigator):
 8    instructions = [
 9        NavInsID.RIGHT_CLICK,
10        NavInsID.BOTH_CLICK,
11        NavInsID.RIGHT_CLICK,
12        NavInsID.BOTH_CLICK
13    ]
14    # navigator.navigate(instructions)
15    navigator.navigate_and_compare(
17        "settings",
18        instructions,
19        screen_change_before_first_instruction = False
20    )


screen_change_before_first_instruction set to False means we are not expecting the application to change by itself, other than through our explicit inputs.

The other way around can be the case, for example when testing the approval of a transaction: the test will first wait for a screen change (from the home screen to the transaction screen).

Note that the screen_change_after_last_instruction argument also exists. We keep it to True in our case: we want to test that the last BOTH_CLICK instruction will bring us back to the home screen.

We can try and run this test, however, it will not work:

$ pytest --device nanos tests/ -v
============================================ test session starts =============================================
collected 1 item

tests/[nanos 2.1] FAILED                                                [100%]

================================================== FAILURES ==================================================
__________________________________________ test_settings[nanos 2.1] __________________________________________


========================================== short test summary info ===========================================
FAILED tests/[nanos 2.1] - ValueError: Golden snapshots directory
(/tmp/lol/tests/snapshots/nanos/settings) does not exist.
============================================= 1 failed in 0.79s ==============================================

The interesting bit is the last message: Golden snapshots directory (/absolute/path/tests/snapshots/nanos/settings) does not exist.. Indeed we wrote a test which will compare runtime snapshots with some reference ones, but did not provided the latter.

Generating the golden snapshots

So for this test to work, we need to have snapshots to compare to. These are not always easy to produce, so Ragger provides a convenient way to produce them automatically: the --golden_run CLI argument.

$ pytest --device nanos tests/ --golden_run -v
======================================== test session starts ==========================================
collected 1 item

tests/[nanos 2.1] PASSED                                             [100%]

========================================== 1 passed in 0.80s ==========================================

The test passed, without any snapshot provided? That’s because this option assumes you want to register snapshots rather than actually running the test. So if we look at the file system now:

$ tree .
├── build
│   └── nanos
│       └── bin
│           └── app.elf
└── tests
    ├── snapshots
       └── nanos
           └── settings
               ├── 00000.png
               ├── 00001.png
               ├── 00002.png
               ├── 00003.png
               └── 00004.png
    ├── snapshots-tmp
       └── nanos
           └── settings
               ├── 00000.png
               ├── 00001.png
               ├── 00002.png
               ├── 00003.png
               └── 00004.png

You will notice two new repositories:

  • a tests/snapshots directory has been created. This is due to the --golden_run argument, which registers all encountered screens into a dedicated test suite. As we used TEST_DIRECTORY (which is tests/) as the snapshot root directory, it created a tests/snapshots directory.

    The tested device is a nanos here, so the test created a tests/snapshots/nanos directory.

    Finally, we named the test suite "settings", so the snapshots were stored into the tests/snapshots/nanos/settings directory.

  • a tests/snapshots-tmp directory containing the same directories and files than the tests/snapshots directory. This is a directory which will always be created during a test run. Ragger will store the captured snapshot here, so that you will be able to compare them to the expected ones if a test were to fail.

    In our case, as the snapshots are captured in both time, the comparison always succeed.


    As this directory is created by Ragger during tests, it is advised to not version it, and rather to add snapshots-tmp into your .gitignore file.

Assessing that the test is right

At this point, you will need to check the snapshot images into the tests/snapshots/nanos/settings/ directory. If they are what you were expecting, then your test is good to go! You can now run it without the --golden_run argument, and version the tests and the snapshots so that you will remain certain that further development modifying this behavior will not go unnoticed.

$ pytest --device nanos tests/ -v
======================================== test session starts ==========================================
collected 1 item

tests/[nanos 2.1] PASSED                                             [100%]

========================================== 1 passed in 0.80s ==========================================

Out-of-the-box pytest Ragger tools

The previous tutorial explained some feature Ragger brings for application testing. But there is more!

CLI parameters

Ragger defines several parameters usable from the pytest CLI:

Controlling the backend (--backend)

It is possible to change the backend on which the tests should run through a CLI argument --backend. Available backends are:

  • --backend speculos, using the SpeculosBackend (the default behavior),

  • --backend ledgercomm, using the LedgerCommBackend,

  • --backend ledgerwallet, using the ledgerWalletBackend.

The two later options are physical backends, meaning they will try to connect to the application through the USB ports. So the application should be installed on a physical device, connected on the test computer through USB, and the application being started on the device, else the tests will not run.

Controlling the devices (--device)

Running the tests on specific device is automatically integrated with the --device argument. Available devices are:

  • --device nanos,

  • --device nanox,

  • --device nanosp,

  • --device stax,

  • --device all.

This last option can only work with the SpeculosBackend (as other backends rely on a physical device, they can only run on the connected one), but is very convenient in a CI to perform test campaign on all the devices.

Showing the device interface during test execution (--display)


Capability limited to the SpeculosBackend

With the SpeculosBackend, it is possible to display the Qt graphical interface of the device, and so to follow the actions and displayed screen during the test is executed.

This can be enabled with the --display CLI argument.

Controlling the seed (--seed)


Capability limited to the SpeculosBackend


Remember not to share your production seed. This option should be used only with testing, disposable seeds.

By default, the SpeculosBackend has a fixed seed. It is possible to change its value with the --seed CLI argument.

Recording the screens (--golden_run)

Some tests using high-level Navigator methods comparing snapshots can also turn these methods into a “record mode”: instead of comparing snapshots, they will store the captured snapshots, with the --golden_run CLI argument. This is convenient to automatically generate stock of golden snapshots.

Recording the APDUs (--log_apdu_file)

It can be useful to record all the APDU transmitted between the client and the application during a test. the --log_apdu_file allows to specify a file path in which every APDU and RAPDU will be recorded.

Fixtures and decorators

Ragger defines several fixtures and decorators to customize how the tests runs or access runtime information:

Running a test only on a specific backend

Some tests should only run on a specific backend. Ragger defines a pytest marker allowing to execute test only on the specified backend:

 1import pytest
 3CLA = 0xB0
 4INS = 0x01
 6# this will prevent this test from running,
 7# except with the ``--backend ledgercomm`` argument
 9def test_communicate(backend):
10  print(, ins=INS))
$ pytest --device nanos --backend speculos tests/ -v

============================================ test session starts =============================================
collected 1 item

tests/[nanos 2.1] SKIPPED (skipped on this backend: "ledgercomm")      [100%]

============================================= 1 skipped in 0.81s =============================================

Getting the value of any CLI argument

Most argument defined by Ragger into pytest can be reached through a fixture, and used into any test:

  • --backend is reachable with the backend_name fixture,

  • --display is reachable with the display fixture,

  • --golden_run is reachable with the golden_run fixture,

  • --log_apdu_file is reachable with the log_apdu_file fixture,

  • --seed is reachable with the backend_cli_user_seed fixture,

--device is not immediately reachable through a fixture, but it can be found with the backend fixture: backend.firmware.device.