.. _Installation: Installation ============ ``Ragger`` is currently available in the test ``pypi`` repository. It can be installed with ``pip``: .. code-block:: bash pip install ragger By default - to avoid wasting useless time and space - the ``ragger`` package comes with no :term:`backend`. Specific backend can be installed with extras: ``ragger[speculos]``, ``ragger[ledgercomm]``, ``ragger[ledgerwallet]``. All backends can be installed with ``ragger[all_backends]``. .. _Installation-Apt: .. note:: ``Speculos`` uses the ``qemu-arm-static`` executable under the hood, so you will need to install a system package for this. On Debian-based system, this executable lies in the ``qemu-user-static`` package, which can be installed it with: .. code-block:: bash sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install qemu-user-static