Source code for erc7730.model.metadata

Object model for ERC-7730 descriptors `metadata` section.

JSON schema:

from datetime import datetime

from pydantic import AnyUrl, Field

from erc7730.model.base import Model

# ruff: noqa: N815 - camel case field names are tolerated to match schema

[docs] class OwnerInfo(Model): """ Main contract's owner detailed information. The owner info section contains detailed information about the owner or target of the contract / message to be clear signed. """ legalName: str = Field( title="Owner Legal Name", description="The full legal name of the owner if different from the owner field." ) lastUpdate: datetime | None = Field( title="Last Update of the contract / message", description="The date of the last update of the contract / message.", ) url: AnyUrl = Field(title="Owner URL", description="URL with more info on the entity the user interacts with.")
[docs] class TokenInfo(Model): """ Token Description. A description of an ERC20 token exported by this format, that should be trusted. Not mandatory if the corresponding metadata can be fetched from the contract itself. """ name: str = Field(title="Token Name", description="The token display name.") ticker: str = Field( title="Token Ticker", description="A short capitalized ticker for the token, that will be displayed in front of corresponding" "amounts.", ) decimals: int = Field( title="Token Decimals", description="The number of decimals of the token ticker, used to display amounts." )
[docs] class Metadata(Model): """ Metadata Section. The metadata section contains information about constant values relevant in the scope of the current contract / message (as matched by the `context` section) """ owner: str | None = Field( default=None, title="Owner display name.", description="The display name of the owner or target of the contract / message to be clear signed.", ) info: OwnerInfo | None = Field( default=None, title="Main contract's owner detailed information.", description="The owner info section contains detailed information about the owner or target of the contract /" "message to be clear signed.", ) token: TokenInfo | None = Field( default=None, title="Token Description", description="A description of an ERC20 token exported by this format, that should be trusted. Not mandatory if" "the corresponding metadata can be fetched from the contract itself.", ) constants: dict[str, str] | None = Field( default=None, title="Constant values", description="A set of values that can be used in format parameters. Can be referenced with a path expression" "like $.metadata.constants.CONSTANT_NAME", ) enums: dict[str, str | dict[str, str]] | None = Field( default=None, title="Enums", description="A set of enums that are used to format fields replacing values with human readable strings.", )
# TODO enums must be split into input/resolved, schema is: # "enums" : { # "title": "Enums", # "type": "object", # "description": "A set of enums that are used to format fields replacing values with human readable strings.", # # "additionalProperties": { # "oneOf": [ # { # "title": "A dynamic enum", # "type": "string", # "description": "A dynamic enum contains an URL which returns a json file with simple key-values # mapping values display name. It is assumed those values can change between two calls to clear sign." # }, # { # "title": "Enumeration", # "type": "object", # "description": "A set of values that will be used to replace a field value with a human readable # string. Enumeration keys are the field values and enumeration values are the displayable strings", # # "additionalProperties": { # "type": "string" # } # } # ] # } # }