Source code for erc7730.convert.resolved.constants

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from import Sequence
from typing import Any, assert_never, override

from pydantic import TypeAdapter, ValidationError
from typing_extensions import TypeVar

from erc7730.common.output import OutputAdder
from import get_property
from erc7730.model.input.descriptor import InputERC7730Descriptor
from erc7730.model.input.path import ContainerPathStr, DataPathStr
from erc7730.model.paths import ROOT_DESCRIPTOR_PATH, ArrayElement, ContainerPath, DataPath, DescriptorPath, Field
from erc7730.model.paths.path_ops import descriptor_path_append, to_absolute
from erc7730.model.types import MixedCaseAddress

_T = TypeVar("_T", covariant=True)

[docs] class ConstantProvider(ABC): """ Resolver for constants values referenced by descriptor paths. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get(self, path: DescriptorPath, out: OutputAdder) -> Any: """ Get the constant for the given path. :param path: descriptor path :param out: error handler :return: constant value, or None if not found """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def resolve(self, value: _T | DescriptorPath, out: OutputAdder) -> _T: """ Resolve the value if it is a descriptor path. :param value: descriptor path or actual value :param out: error handler :return: constant value, or the value itself if not a descriptor path """ return self.get(value, out) if isinstance(value, DescriptorPath) else value
[docs] def resolve_or_none(self, value: _T | DescriptorPath | None, out: OutputAdder) -> _T | None: """ Resolve the optional value if it is a descriptor path. :param value: descriptor path, actual value or None :param out: error handler :return: None, constant value, or the value itself if not a descriptor path """ return None if value is None else self.resolve(value, out)
[docs] def resolve_path( self, value: DataPath | ContainerPath | DescriptorPath, out: OutputAdder ) -> DataPath | ContainerPath | None: """ Resolve the value as a data/container path. :param value: descriptor path or actual data/container path :param out: error handler :return: resolved data/container path """ def assert_not_address(path: DataPath | ContainerPath) -> bool: match path: case ContainerPath(): return True case DataPath(): if path.absolute: return True try: TypeAdapter(MixedCaseAddress).validate_strings(str(path)) out.error( title="Invalid data path", message=f""""{path}" is invalid, it must contain a data path to the address in the """ "transaction data. It seems you are trying to use a constant address value instead, please " "use the adequate parameter to provide a constant value.", ) return False except ValidationError: return True case _: assert_never(path) if isinstance(value, DataPath | ContainerPath): if not assert_not_address(value): return None return value resolved_value: Any if (resolved_value := self.resolve(value, out)) is None: return None if not isinstance(resolved_value, str): return out.error( title="Invalid constant path", message=f"Constant path defined at {value} must be a path string, got {type(resolved_value).__name__}.", ) match TypeAdapter(DataPathStr | ContainerPathStr).validate_strings(resolved_value): case ContainerPath() as path: return path case DataPath() as path: if not assert_not_address(path): return None if not path.absolute: return out.error( title="Invalid data path constant", message=f"Data path defined at {value} must be absolute, please change it to " f"{to_absolute(path)}.", ) return path case _: assert_never(resolved_value) # noinspection PyUnreachableCode return None
[docs] def resolve_path_or_none( self, value: DataPath | ContainerPath | DescriptorPath | None, out: OutputAdder ) -> DataPath | ContainerPath | None: """ Resolve the value as a data/container path. :param value: descriptor path or actual data/container path :param out: error handler :return: resolved data/container path """ return None if value is None else self.resolve_path(value, out)
[docs] class DefaultConstantProvider(ConstantProvider): """ Resolver for constants values from a provided dictionary. """ def __init__(self, descriptor: InputERC7730Descriptor) -> None: self.descriptor: InputERC7730Descriptor = descriptor
[docs] @override def get(self, path: DescriptorPath, out: OutputAdder) -> Any: current_target = self.descriptor parent_path = ROOT_DESCRIPTOR_PATH current_path = ROOT_DESCRIPTOR_PATH for element in path.elements: current_path = descriptor_path_append(current_path, element) match element: case Field(identifier=field): if isinstance(current_target, Sequence): return out.error( title="Invalid constant path", message=f"""Path {current_path} is invalid, {parent_path} is an array.""", ) else: try: current_target = get_property(current_target, field) except (AttributeError, KeyError): return out.error( title="Invalid constant path", message=f"""Path {current_path} is invalid, {parent_path} has no "{field}" field.""", ) case ArrayElement(index=i): if not isinstance(current_target, Sequence): return out.error( title="Invalid constant path", message=f"Path {current_path} is invalid, {parent_path} is not an array.", ) if i >= len(current_target): return out.error( title="Invalid constant path", message=f"""Path {current_path} is invalid, index {i} is out of bounds.""", ) current_target = current_target[i] case _: assert_never(element) parent_path = descriptor_path_append(parent_path, element) return current_target