1. 1.4.2 (Bitcoin 2013 release)
[enh] New security rules & operation modes
2. 1.4.1 (private release)
[enh] ECC operations speed-up
[bug] Private key are now paired to their curve parameters (cheers Jix :p)
3. 1.4.0 (29c3 release)
Initial release
4. About
BTChip is a USB smartcard/dongle dedicated to secure bitcoin transactions. It performs all sensitive cryptographic operations related to a bitcoin transaction (key generation & signature) onboard, and helps protect against malware in an untrusted environment by controlling the signed data.
5. Operation modes
Operation modes define which operations are allowed given the security environment the dongle is operating in.
Two operation modes are defined, from the less restrictive to the more restrictive :
Fully trusted : This mode should be reserved to known trusted environments. Arbitrary data can be signed, and no control is performed over bitcoin transactions.
Moderately trusted : This mode should be reserved for moderately trusted environments. Bitcoin transactions are automatically signed according to preset user parameters.
Untrusted : This mode is the default mode when using standard operation parameters. Each bitcoin transaction has to be authorized.
Untrusted with transaction signing disabled : This mode should be enabled to only generate addresses on a server or offline wallet.
The persistent operation mode will be restored when the dongle is powered on.
The user is always authorized to move from an operation mode to a more restrictive operation mode. However an authentication is required to move to a less restrictive operation mode.
5.1. Fully trusted operation mode
All dongle functionalities are enabled in trusted mode. Arbitrary data can be signed by the dongle.
5.2. Moderately trusted operation mode
Only a single point-to-point output (i.e. the standard script) with one dongle generated change address is authorized.
The standard script is coded as
Transactions are controlled given user parameters and automatically signed if accepted.
Transactions can be controlled on a combination of the following parameters :
A maximum output amount
A maximum fees amount
A maximum change amount
A maximum number of consecutive transactions before the dongle is removed
Only authorizing an output address that has been registered previously
5.3. Untrusted operation mode
Only a single point-to-point output (i.e. the standard script) with one dongle generated change address is authorized.
The standard script is coded as
Each transaction has to be authenticated by the user given :
the output address
the output amount
the fees amount
the change private key address generated by the dongle
A cryptographic hash is computed over the transaction data by an external system displaying the authorization data for user validation (smartphone, remote server …) and sent back to the dongle to authenticate the transaction.
5.4. Untrusted operation mode with transaction signing disabled
In this mode, only the GENERATE KEYPAIR OR IMPORT PRIVATE KEY function is enabled, and all cleartext key import functionalities are disabled for this command (the only authorized import is option 08 : diversification of a given value)
5.5. Disabled dongle functionalities
When not operating in fully trusted mode, the following operations are disabled :
Authentication with a GlobalPlatform keyset other than 0x10 or 0xFE is disabled - to prevent accidental data leaks in an untrusted environment
CREATE FILE - to prevent a malware from creating arbitrary transaction control rules if an accidental key leak occured by authenticating with keyset 0x10 in an untrusted environment
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION - RESET if not authenticated with keyset 0x10
6. Additional keyset types
The following keyset types are added - only the first key component of the keysets is used for all types.
20 : Private key encryption - these keys are used to encrypt private keys
21 : Context exchange encryption - these keys are used to transfer contexts between dongles to make the transaction parsing mechanism stateless if desired
22 : Authorized address encryption - these keys are used to encrypt authorized addresses
23 : Trusted Input encryption - these keys are used to encrypt trusted inputs (previous output + amount extracted from a transaction)
24 : Transaction authorization signature - these keys are used to sign transaction authorizations
25 : Trusted Secure Channel - commands sent over a Secure Channel opened by such keyset will be executed in trusted mode, if at least command confidentiality (CMAC) is activated for this Secure Channel.
26 : Private key signature - these keys are used to compute a signature of the generated private key
27 : Mode signature - these keys are used to compute a signature of the operation mode returned by the dongle
28 : Private key diversification - these keys are used to derive given values to generate a private key component
The first Key Access parameters byte is coded as per the other keys, and the second byte is not used.
The following key types are safe to share with an external device for the process integrity validation - other keys should never be shared with an external device, other than a backup dongle :
Private key signature : these keys will be used to check that a generated private key has not been held by a malware application (ransomware attack).
Transaction authorization signature : these keys will be used to authorize individual transactions.
the Private key encryption key are the only keys that must be backed up properly by the user to be able to regenerate another dongle or retrieve private keys if the dongle is lost or destroyed. |
7. Unique Internal Keypair
7.1. Description
It is possible to store a unique keypair into the dongle, never revealing the private key.
This private key cannot be backed up, and is mostly intended to exchange bitcoins between remote peers with no previously established trust relationship and be sure that the sender is not able to spend the coins sent to the receiver.
In this typical scenario, Sarah wants to send some coins to Rachel :
Sarah gets a blank BTChip dongle
Sarah asks Rachel to pick a password, and generate the Unique Internal Keypair, protected by Rachel’s password.
Sarah provides the Public Key of the Unique Internal Keypair to Rachel
Sarah sends the blank BTChip dongle to Rachel via snail mail
While the dongle travels around, Sarah, Boris, Brenda and Bob send coins to Rachel’s Public Key
Rachel receives the dongle, unlocks the Unique Internal Keypair with the previously chosen password, and can spend the coins.
7.2. Technical details
The private key is stored into the encrypted non readable file /uik
Before generating the Unique Internal Keypair, keyset 0xFD must be present with a GlobalPlatform Authentication Role.
Keyset 0xFD is automatically deleted on the first successful authentication.
The private component of the Unique Internal Keypair cannot be used while keyset 0xFD exists.
In all APIs the private key of the Unique Internal Keypair is referenced as an encrypted private key component beginning with "UIK" (55494B)
8. Additional files
8.1. Elliptic curve parameters
Elliptic curve parameters are stored in transparent files in 3F00/CE15 DF, using the following format
Description |
Length |
Size of A component |
1 |
A component |
var |
Size of B component |
1 |
B component |
var |
Size of Field component |
1 |
Field component |
var |
Size of G component |
1 |
G component |
var |
Size of R component |
1 |
R component |
var |
Size of K component |
1 |
K component |
var |
The secp256k1 bitcoin curve is provided in the 0xb1c0 file, and cannot be updated by the user.
Access conditions for the 0xb1c0 file are :
8.2. Operation parameters
Operation parameters are defined in the 0xb101 file located in 0x3f00. They define the basic functionalities of the dongle
Description |
Length |
Current operation mode 0x01 : trusted 0x02 : moderately trusted 0x04 : untrusted (default) 0x08 : untrusted with transaction signing disabled |
1 |
Enforcement flag 0x01 : enforce maximum number of consecutive transactions 0x02 : enforce maximum cumulative output |
1 |
Maximum number of consecutive transactions in the same session |
2 |
Maximum cumulative output amount in the same session |
8 |
Access conditions for this file are :
READ 0x01 (default user keyset)
UPDATE 0x01 (default user keyset)
DELETE 0xFE (administrative keyset)
8.3. Transaction control
Transaction control parameters are stored in transparent files in 3F00/0D11 DF, and are used to set generic rules for controlling transactions in moderately trusted mode, using the following format
Description |
Length |
Flags 0x01 : only accept pre-authorized output addresses 0x02 : check maximum output amount 0x04 : check maximum fee amount 0x08 : check maximum change amount |
1 |
Maximum output amount, big endian |
8 |
Minimum sequence index (apply to all inputs), big endian |
4 |
Maximum sequence index (apply to all inputs), big endian |
4 |
Minimum lock time |
4 |
Maximum lock time |
4 |
Bitmask of authorized SigHash values 0x01 : SIGHASH_ALL authorized 0x02 : SIGHASH_NONE authorized 0x04 : SIGHASH_SINGLE authorized 0x08 : mask SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY authorized |
1 |
Maximum fee amount, big endian |
8 |
Maximum change amount, big endian |
8 |
A default configuration file for payments up to 1 BTC is provided in the 0x0001 file, and cannot be updated by the user, using the following values :
Flags : 0x0E (check maximum output amount, maximum fee amount, maximum charge amount) in moderately trusted mode
Maximum output amount : 00 10 5E 5F 00 00 00 00 (1.000000000)
Maximum fee amount : 00 10 5E 5F 00 00 00 00 (1.000000000)
Maximum change amount : 00 10 5E 5F 00 00 00 00 (1.000000000)
Minimum sequence index : FF FF FF FF
Maximum sequence index : FF FF FF FF
Minimum lock time : 00 00 00 00
Maximum lock time : 00 00 00 00
Bitmask of authorized SigHash values : 0x01
Access conditions for the 0x0001 file are :
UPDATE 0xFE (administrative keyset)
DELETE 0xFE (administrative keyset)
9. APDUs available for all modes
9.1.1. Description
This command is used to set the operation mode of the dongle.
Going to a more restrictive operation mode is always authorized.
If going to a less restrictive operation mode, the user shall be authenticated by the GlobalPlatform user key 0x10.
The operation mode signature can be used by an external device to make sure that the mode switch is legitimate - it is computed as the last block of a 3DES-CBC encryption of the returned operation mode concatenated with the nonce.
9.1.2. Coding
P1 |
P2 |
Lc |
Le |
E0 |
24 |
target mode or 00 to query the current operation mode 01 : trusted mode 02 : moderately trusted mode 04 : untrusted mode 08 : untrusted mode with transaction signing disabled |
00 : persistent change 80 : non persistent change done until powered down (only if going to a less restrictive mode) |
01 |
10 |
Input data
Description |
Length |
Version of the keyset used for operation mode signature |
1 |
Output data
Description |
Length |
Current operation mode |
1 |
Nonce |
F |
Operation mode signature |
8 |
This function is always available
Status Words
SW |
Description |
6581 |
Memory problem |
6700 |
Incorrect length |
6982 |
Security status not satisfied (Bitcoin dongle is locked or invalid access rights) |
6A82 |
File not found |
6B00 |
Incorrect parameter P1 or P2 |
6Fxx |
Technical problem (00 : no diagnostic given) |
9000 |
Normal ending of the command |
9804 |
Access condition not fulfilled |
9.2.1. Description
This command is used to generate a keypair using the given curve parameters or import a given private key.
The file containing the curve parameter shall be selected before calling this command when generating a keypair.
The private part of the keypair will be encrypted by the Private key encryption key version passed as input parameter. This key must be accessible when the function is called
The private key signature can be used by an external device to make sure that a generated key is legitimate - it is computed as the last block of a 3DES-CBC encryption of the encrypted private key component concatenated with the derivation data.
If generating the Unique Internal Keypair
The Unique Internal Keypair must not exist
Keyset 0xFD must be present and set to GlobalPlatform Authentication Role
9.2.2. Coding
P1 |
P2 |
Lc |
Le |
E0 |
20 |
00 : generate mode 01 : provide Authorized Address for public key (not authorized when preparing a key in non trusted mode) 02 : on prepare mode, import private key in base-58 Wallet Import Format 04 : on prepare mode, import private key as a SHA-256 hash of the given data 08 : on prepare mode, 3DES-CBC encrypt the given binary value with the key passed in P2 and use this value as private key. The key passed in P2 must have the Bitcoin Key Derivation role 10 : generate the Unique Internal Keypair 80 : prepare mode, default import format being a binary key |
00 or keyset version used to derive the provided data if using prepare mode with option 08 |
var |
var |
Input data
Description |
Length |
Version of the private key encryption keyset to use |
1 |
Version of the private key signature keyset to use |
1 |
Keypair flags 01 : key can only be used in trusted mode 02 : key is always reused as change address |
1 |
File ID of the curve to use to generate this key |
2 |
If requesting an Authorized Address, Authorized Address Encryption keyset version to use |
1 |
if requesting an Authorized Address, Bitcoin address version |
1 |
If importing a key, private key to encode / derivation data |
var |
Output data
Description |
Length |
Length of public key component (41) |
1 |
Public key component (W) |
41 |
Length of encrypted private key component (28) |
1 |
Encrypted private key component (encrypted S) |
28 |
Derivation data used (or 00…00) |
20 |
Private key signature |
8 |
If generating an Authorized Address, length of the Authorized Address (20) |
1 |
If generating an Authorized Address, Authorized address |
28 |
This function is always available
Status Words
SW |
Description |
6581 |
Memory problem |
6700 |
Incorrect length |
6982 |
Security status not satisfied (Bitcoin dongle is locked or invalid access rights) |
6A82 |
File not found |
6B00 |
Incorrect parameter P1 or P2 |
6Fxx |
Technical problem (00 : no diagnostic given) |
9000 |
Normal ending of the command |
9804 |
Access condition not fulfilled |
9.3.1. Description
This command is used to retrieve the public given given an encrypted private key.
The private part of the keypair should be be encrypted by the Private key encryption key version passed as input parameter. This key must be accessible when the function is called
9.3.2. Coding
P1 |
P2 |
Lc |
Le |
E0 |
26 |
00 |
00 |
var |
var |
Input data
Description |
Length |
Version of the private key encryption to use |
1 |
Encrypted private key |
var |
Output data
Description |
Length |
Public key component (W) |
41 |
This function is always available
Status Words
SW |
Description |
6581 |
Memory problem |
6700 |
Incorrect length |
6982 |
Security status not satisfied (Bitcoin dongle is locked or invalid access rights) |
6A82 |
File not found |
6B00 |
Incorrect parameter P1 or P2 |
6Fxx |
Technical problem (00 : no diagnostic given) |
9000 |
Normal ending of the command |
9804 |
Access condition not fulfilled |
10. Trusted operation mode APDUs
10.1.1. Description
This command is used to encode an address authorization.
The address is an hash160 (ripemd160 of a sha256) of an ECDSA public key, encoded using base58 or provided as binary data.
The authorized address will be encrypted by the Authorized address encryption version passed as input parameter.
This key must be accessible when the function is called
10.1.2. Coding
P1 |
P2 |
Lc |
Le |
E0 |
22 |
00 : address provided as a base58 string (if supported) 80 : address provided as a version byte + hash160 |
00 |
var |
var |
Input data
Description |
Length |
Version of the Authorized address encryption key to use |
1 |
Address size |
1 |
Address to authorize |
var |
Output data
Description |
Length |
Authorized address |
28 |
This function is always available
Status Words
SW |
Description |
6581 |
Memory problem |
6700 |
Incorrect length |
6982 |
Security status not satisfied (Bitcoin dongle is locked or invalid access rights) |
6A82 |
File not found |
6B00 |
Incorrect parameter P1 or P2 |
6Fxx |
Technical problem (00 : no diagnostic given) |
9000 |
Normal ending of the command |
9804 |
Access condition not fulfilled |
10.2.1. Description
This command is used to sign a given hash using a private key or verify a given signature using a public key
The private key shall be encrypted by the Private key encryption key version passed as input parameter. This key must be accessible when the function is called
If a signature is required in untrusted mode, this command will exit with status word 0x6982
10.2.2. Coding
P1 |
P2 |
Lc |
Le |
E0 |
40 |
00 : sign 80 : verify |
00 |
var |
var |
Input data (sign mode)
Description |
Length |
Version of the private key encryption to use |
1 |
Length of encrypted private key |
1 |
Encrypted private key |
var |
Hash to sign |
var |
Input data (verify mode)
Description |
Length |
File ID of the curve to use to verify the signature |
2 |
Length of public key |
1 |
Public key |
var |
Length of hash to verify (up to 32 bytes) |
1 |
Hash to verify |
var |
Signature |
var |
Output data (sign mode)
Description |
Length |
Signed hash, as ASN-1 encoded R & S components |
var |
Output data (verify mode)
This function is always available
Status Words
SW |
Description |
6581 |
Memory problem |
6700 |
Incorrect length |
6982 |
Security status not satisfied (running in untrusted mode) |
6A80 |
Invalid data (invalid key encryption) |
6A82 |
File not found |
6B00 |
Incorrect parameter P1 or P2 |
6Fxx |
Technical problem (00 : no diagnostic given) |
9000 |
Normal ending of the command |
9804 |
Access condition not fulfilled |
11. APDUs available for moderately trusted and untrusted modes
11.1.1. Description
This command is used to extract a Trusted Input (encrypted transaction hash, output index, output amount) from a transaction.
The transaction data to be provided should be encoded using bitcoin standard raw transaction encoding. Scripts can be sent over several APDUs. Other individual transaction elements split over different APDUs will be rejected. 64 bits varints are rejected.
11.1.2. Coding
P1 |
P2 |
Lc |
Le |
E0 |
42 |
00 : first transaction data block 80 : subsequent transaction data block |
00 |
var |
var |
Input data (first block)
Description |
Length |
Keyset version used for Trusted Input encryption |
1 |
Input index to lookup |
4 |
Transaction data |
var |
Input data (next block)
Description |
Length |
Transaction data |
var |
Output data (non last block)
Output data (last block)
Description |
Length |
Trusted Input |
38 |
This function is always available
Status Words
SW |
Description |
6581 |
Memory problem |
6700 |
Incorrect length |
6982 |
Security status not satisfied (Bitcoin dongle is locked or invalid access rights) |
6A80 |
Invalid data (parameters or transaction data) |
6A82 |
File not found |
6B00 |
Incorrect parameter P1 or P2 |
6Fxx |
Technical problem (00 : no diagnostic given) |
9000 |
Normal ending of the command |
9804 |
Access condition not fulfilled |
11.2.1. Description
This command is used to compose an opaque SHA-256 hash for a new transaction, controlled by the given transaction control file.
The transaction data to be provided should be encoded using bitcoin standard raw transaction encoded as follows :
Each input outpoint is to be replaced by its associated Trusted Input encryption key (1 byte), the Trusted Input length (1 byte) and the Trusted Input data
The input scripts shall be prepared by the host for the transaction signing process as per bitcoin rules : the current input script being signed shall be the previous output script, and other input script shall be null
The encoded transaction data shall be provided up to (and not including) the number of outputs.
Scripts can be sent over several APDUs. Other individual transaction elements split over different APDUs will be rejected. 64 bits varints are rejected.
11.2.2. Coding
P1 |
P2 |
Lc |
Le |
E0 |
44 |
00 : first transaction data block 80 : subsequent transaction data block |
00 : start signing a new transaction 80 : continue signing another input of the current transaction |
var |
var |
Input data (first transaction data block for a new transaction)
Description |
Length |
File ID of the transaction control file to use for generic rules regarding this transaction, or 0000 (forbidden for moderately trusted mode) |
2 |
Transaction data |
var |
Input data (other transaction data block)
Description |
Length |
Transaction data |
var |
Output data
This function is always available
Status Words
SW |
Description |
6581 |
Memory problem |
6700 |
Incorrect length |
6982 |
Security status not satisfied (Bitcoin dongle is locked or invalid access rights) |
6A80 |
Invalid data (parameters or transaction data) |
6A82 |
File not found |
6B00 |
Incorrect parameter P1 or P2 |
6Fxx |
Technical problem (00 : no diagnostic given) |
9000 |
Normal ending of the command |
9804 |
Access condition not fulfilled |
11.3.1. Description
This command is used to compose an opaque SHA-256 hash for the transaction outputs
This command is rejected if all inputs advertised at the beginning of the transaction have not been processed first.
The generated script will be the standard script coded as below given the address.
The output amount, fees and change will be optionally enforced in moderately trusted mode given the transaction control file used for this transaction
In untrusted mode, an authorization will be computed for the transaction using the output address, the output amount, the fees, change address and a hash of the transaction not including input script data.
The generated transaction output data contains in pre-serialized form the number of outputs (target & optionally change) and each output data
11.3.2. Coding
P1 |
P2 |
Lc |
Le |
E0 |
46 |
01 : output address provided as binary hash160 02 : output address provided as base58 string (if supported) 03 : output address provided as authorized address |
Authorized Address encryption keyset version used if providing the output address as an Authorized Address |
var |
var |
Input data (first input processed for a given transaction)
Description |
Length |
Version of the private key encryption to use for the Change Address |
1 |
Length of the Output Address |
1 |
Output Address (base58, hash160 or Authorized Address) |
var |
Length of the Change Address Private Key |
1 |
Change Address (as an encrypted private key) |
var |
Amount (big endian) |
8 |
Fees (big endian) |
8 |
Input data (other input for the same transaction)
Output data (first input processed for a given transaction)
Description |
Length |
Generated transaction output data length |
1 |
Generated transaction output data |
var |
Transaction Authorization Data length |
1 |
Transaction Authorization Data if necessary |
var |
Output data (other input for the same transaction)
Transaction Authorization data
Description |
Length |
Transaction hash not including input script data |
20 |
Transaction Nonce |
8 |
Output address as hash160 |
14 |
Output amount |
8 |
Fees amount |
8 |
Change amount |
8 |
Change Address encryption keyset version |
1 |
Length of the Change Address Private Key |
1 |
Change Address (as an encrypted private key) |
28 |
Change public key hash160 |
14 |
This function is always available
Status Words
SW |
Description |
6581 |
Memory problem |
6700 |
Incorrect length |
6982 |
Security status not satisfied (Bitcoin dongle is locked or invalid access rights) |
6A80 |
Invalid data (parameters, transaction state or rules not validated) |
6A82 |
File not found |
6B00 |
Incorrect parameter P1 or P2 |
6Fxx |
Technical problem (00 : no diagnostic given) |
9000 |
Normal ending of the command |
9804 |
Access condition not fulfilled |
11.4.1. Description
This command is used to sign a given secure hash using a private key (after re-hashing it following the standard Bitcoin signing process) to finalize a transaction input signing process.
This command will be rejected if the transaction signing state is not consistent or if a Transaction Authorization is required and the provided Transaction Authorization signature is not correct.
The private key shall be encrypted by the Private key encryption key version passed as input parameter. This key must be accessible when the function is called
The locktime and SigHash value will be enforced given the transaction control file used for this transaction
11.4.2. Coding
P1 |
P2 |
Lc |
Le |
E0 |
48 |
00 |
00 |
var |
var |
Input data
Description |
Length |
Version of the private key encryption keyset to use |
1 |
Length of encrypted private key |
1 |
Encrypted private key |
var |
Version of the Transaction Authorization signature keyset to use (or 00) |
1 |
Length of the Transaction Authorization Signature (or 00) |
1 |
Transaction Authorization Signature if provided |
var |
Lock Time (big endian) |
4 |
SigHashType |
1 |
Output data
Description |
Length |
Signed hash, as ASN-1 encoded R & S components |
var |
SigHashType |
1 |
This function is always available
Status Words
SW |
Description |
6581 |
Memory problem |
6700 |
Incorrect length |
6982 |
Security status not satisfied (Bitcoin dongle is locked or invalid access rights) |
6A82 |
File not found |
6B00 |
Incorrect parameter P1 or P2 |
6Fxx |
Technical problem (00 : no diagnostic given) |
9000 |
Normal ending of the command |
9804 |
Access condition not fulfilled |
12. Data structures
The format of the data structures is provided for interoperability and validation purposes. A typical user will not need to manipulate them directly.
12.1. Encoded private key for a 256 bits curve
An encoded private key is stored internally as follow, Triple DES encrypted by the private key encryption key
Description |
Length |
Magic version (01) |
1 |
Private key flags (RFU) |
1 |
ID of the file in 3F00/CE15 containing the curve parameters |
2 |
CRC-16 of the structure computed after setting current bytes to 0000 |
2 |
Nonce |
2 |
Private key component (S) |
20 |
12.2. Encoded authorized address
An encoded authorized address is stored internally as follow. The signature is the last block of a Triple DES CBC encryption of the previous data by the encoded authorized address encryption key.
Description |
Length |
Magic version (21) |
1 |
Public key flags (RFU) |
1 |
RFU (00) |
1 |
Nonce |
8 |
Bitcoin address version |
1 |
Bitcoin address as a hash160 |
14 |
Signature |
8 |
12.3. Encoded trusted input
An encoded trusted input is stored internally as follow. The signature is the last block of a Triple DES CBC encryption of the previous data by the trusted input encryption key.
Description |
Length |
Magic version (31) |
1 |
Nonce |
3 |
Associated transaction hash |
20 |
Index in associated transaction |
4 |
Associated amount |
8 |
Signature |
8 |
12.4. Transaction context for dongle exchange